Troubled eHealth program needs healing

TORONTO – The Ontario government has spent nine years and billions of dollars trying to make its troubled eHealth program work.

And despite repeated assurances from the government, that progress is being made, many doctors still struggle to get timely access to basic medical records and patients continue to face needless risks and treatment delays the program has failed to deliver what the public was promised – efficient access to electronic health records.

One Burlington family doctor became so frustrated, he hired college students to see if they could help him fix the electronic mess the government left in his office.

They did.

He was able to easily and inexpensively turn unfriendly electronic patient information programs into a helpful tool he can actually use when sitting in front of a patient.

But Dr. John Holmes said that while one eHealth Ontario official showed up at his office to see what he’d done, the organization clearly wasn’t interested in learning from his experience.

As a frontline health care provider and as a taxpayer, that indifference doesn’t sit well with Holmes.

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